OBD 2 Помилки лямбда зондів
P0036 - Bank 1 Sensor 2: Open Heater Circuit
P0037 - Bank 1 Sensor 2, Heater circuit: Short to ground
P0038 - Bank 1 Sensor 2 Short Circuit Short To Heating Plus
P0042 - Bank 1 Sensor 3: Open Heater Circuit
P0043 - Bank 1 Sensor 3: Short to Ground Electric Heating Circuit
P0044 - Bank 1 Sensor 3: Шортовий circuit для позитивної електричної напруги circuit
P0050 - Bank 2 Sensor 1: Malfunction в електричному Heating Circuit
P0051 - Bank 2 Sensor 1: Short to Ground Heating Circuit
P0052 - Bank 2 Sensor 1: Short Circuit to Plus Electric Heating Circuit
P0056 - Bank 2 Sensor 2: Malfunction в електричному Heating Circuit
P0057 - Bank 2 Sensor 2: Short to Ground Electric Heating Circuit
P0058 - Bank 2 Sensor 2: Шорти до позитивного на електричному клініці
P0064 - Bank 2 Sensor 3: Short Circuit на Plus Heater Circuit
P0131 - Bank 1 Sensor 1: Voltage Too Low
P0132 - Bank 1 Sensor 1: Voltage Too High
P0133 - Bank 1 Sensor 1: Reaction Time Too Long
P0134 - Bank 1 Sensor 1: No Activity
P0135 - Bank 1 Sensor 1: Malfunction в електричному Heating Circuit
P0136 - Bank 1 Sensor 2: електрична небезпека
P0137 - Bank 1 Sensor 2: Voltage Too Low
P0138 - Bank 1 Sensor 2: Voltage Too High
P0139 - Bank 1 Sensor 2: Signal Speed Too Low
P0140 - Bank 1 Sensor 2: No Activity
P0141 - Bank 1 Sensor 2: Malfunction в електричному Heating Circuit
P0142 - Bank 1 Sensor 3: Circuit Malfunction
P0143 - Bank 1 Sensor 3: Voltage Too Low
P0144 - Bank 1 Sensor 3: Voltage Too High
P0145 - Bank 1 Sensor 3: Reaction Time Too Long
P0146 - Bank 1 Sensor 3: No Activity
P0147 - Bank 1 Sensor 3: Malfunction в електротехнічному центрі
P0149 - Систему для визначення параметрів мінеральної суміші (рівень 1): injection time deviation
P0150 - Bank 2 Sensor 1: Circuit Malfunction
P0151 - Bank 2 Sensor 1: Voltage Too Low
P0152 - Bank 2 Sensor 1: Voltage Too High
P0153 - Bank 2 Sensor 1: Reaction Time Too Long
P0154 - Bank 2 Sensor 1: No Activity
P0155 - Bank 2 Sensor 1: Malfunction в електричному Heating Circuit
P0156 - Bank 2 Sensor 2: Circuit Malfunction
P0157 - Bank 2 Sensor 2: Voltage Too Low
P0158 - Bank 2 Sensor 2: Voltage Too High
P0159 - Bank 2 Sensor 2: Reaction Time Too Long
P0160 - Bank 2 Sensor 2: No Activity
P0161 - Bank 2 Sensor 2: Malfunction в електричному Heating Circuit
P0162 - Bank 2 Sensor 3: Circuit Malfunction
P0163 - Bank 2 Sensor 3: Voltage Too Low
P0164 - Bank 2 Sensor 3: Voltage Too High
P0165 - Bank 2 Sensor 3: Reaction Time Too Long
P0166 - Bank 2 Sensor 3: No Activity
P0167 - Bank 2 Sensor 3: Malfunction в електричному клініці
P0170 - Банк 1: malfunction of fuel-air mixture determination system
P0171 - Bank 1, fuel-air mixture determination system: mixture too lean
P0172 - Bank 1, fuel-air mixture determination system: mixture too rich
P0173 - Bank 2: malfunction of fuel-air mixture determination system
P0174 - Bank 2, fuel-air mixture determination system: mixture too lean
P0175 - Bank 2, fuel-air mixture determination system: mixture too rich